Our Children Our Future® is a nationally accredited behavioral health center providing behavioral health services to children and their families for over twenty-six years. Over those years, we have received may referrals for behavioral health services, which upon closer review, there was evidence of a direct relationship between academic learning and social and emotional development. There is evidence to suggest that youth in high-quality, evidence-based programs targeting social and emotional learning (SEL) demonstrate a wide range of positive effects in the short and long term 1. These may include, in the short term, (a) improved self-confidence and grades, (b) increased positive attitudes toward school and prosocial behaviors, (c) improved attendance rates, and (d) reduced drug rates and aggression 2; and in the long term, positive effects include increased rates of high school graduation and decreased rates of teen pregnancy and criminal behavior.
The Giving kids A Future afterschool program was designed to incorporate social and emotional learning and afterschool programming. When combined, social and emotional learning and after-school programming can positively impact all youth and prepare them for bright futures. The program focuses on providing tutoring services that will improve students’ grades.
The program hires well-trained staff who build positive relationships with youth and their families. Program size allows staff to create safe environment and a culture where youth feel valued and accepted by connecting with student in more meaningful ways. The after-school program offers a unique opportunity for youth to learn and practice social and emotional skills in a more real-life environment. Youth can become socially strong and emotionally secure. Staff serve as role models and mentors while maintaining limits and boundaries. Leadership skill building is a main focus of the SEL after-school program where students are encouraged to explore interests and develop skills that will lead to success in college and career. Participation in service learning allows youth to build problem-solving skills, communication skills and practice skills that will lead to successful on-the-job performance.
The skills learned after school can help to improve the school culture and better equip students to thrive in school, in their communities and in life.
The SEL after-school program seeks to serve youth from diverse cultural backgrounds who are identified as at-promise youth who require additional supports and more individualized instruction to improve academic performance. While the youth may demonstrate high motivation to achieve, environmental circumstances and family challenges of unemployment, issues with housing and mental health often present barriers to a youth’s academic performance.
Improving grades through academic tutoring while strengthening the youth’s social and emotional skills are the hallmark of the program. With consent from parents, a review is conducted of each student’s academic performance and areas of weakness are identified.
Teachers work with students to bring assignments current, increase understanding of math concepts, improve language arts skills and resolve conflict. Program Staff ensures that youth are engaged in the program and maintain regular attendance. Staff will utilize information gathered during assessment to identify potential barriers to attendance, as well as strengths and provide academic tutoring in needed subject areas. Risk factors such as academic challenges or economic deprivation will help determine the level and types of supports that may be needed to help youth successfully participate in the program. Youth with documented needs shall receive supportive services to help them succeed. Such support may include transportation assistance, adaptive equipment for a youth with special needs and emergency financial assistance using flex funds to meet basic needs for food, shelter, utilities, etc. In addition, Program staff will connect youth with appropriate community resources that will help them meet their goals as part of the service planning process. Such supports may be provided by Our Children Our Future or the family may be referred out to other agencies that specialize in providing such services. Program staff will coordinate services for youth who may be involved with other social service systems.
The program is free for youth living in Hollywood, Florida or who attend a middle school currently being funded by Broward Children’s Services Council.
Please call Our Children Our Future for further information.
Kids can prepare for successful careers before they leave elementary school. After-school programs provide kids with the opportunity to explore interests and develop skills that will lead to success in college and career. When students select the activities they’re interested in, take on leadership roles in group projects, and participate in service learning, they build key skills like problem-solving, communicating clearly, and embracing differences that translate into competencies employers look for.
After School Online Application Form
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After School Online Application Form
Registration is OPEN!
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Click the link to
register or
contact Program Manager Ms. King to assist with
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application form. Once completed, you may submit it here.
After School Online Application Form
Registration is OPEN!
Spots are limited. First come first serve.
Click the link to register or contact Program Manager Ms. King to assist with registration. 754-302-4202
Kindly fill out the application form. Once completed, you may submit it here.
After school is not only school...